+381 11 4035 384


Constand increase in data volume presumes that many companies have to upscale their disk storage facilities and deliver modern data storage and transfer techniques.
The adoption of many computational resources and services that require data storage with various specifications, efficient operation modes define the deployment of dedicated storage area networks (SAN) including both data storage and client-side equipment. Typical data storage solutions usually encompass enter-rise-level data storage, distributed and scalable data warehouses, software defined wide area networks (SD-WAN), and special dedicated data storage.

The main purpose is to provide permanent data access by doubling all active data storage network components and specifying alternative access options. This approach also helps control the quality of service and prioritizes execution for critical business applications. This provides stable performance indicators and supports required data access protocols.

We offer storage area network infrastructure development, specification of data storage sizing options, define scenarios to support high data accessibility and data recovery, integration with data clusters and virtualization frameworks, solution documentation and commissioning.

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